Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage at Rivington Foundation Primary School

We are a small unit and the children will work with all three staff members on a daily basis. Each child is required to have a Key Person in the EYFS. Mrs Davies is the Key Person for all Reception children and Mrs Orgill  is the Key Person for the Nursery children.   However, children and parents should feel free to approach any of us with any comments, questions or concerns. 🙂

Please see our document section for the following information:

  • Photographs – occasions, setting, everyday photos! (This section will continuously be added to during the year).

Please see our links section for the following information:

  • Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
  • Information for parents on assisting learning at home and the EYFS.
  • Forest Schools
At Rivington we are early adopters of the revised EYFS framework, 2020-21.


Under The Early Years Foundation Stage (Exemption from Learning and Development Requirements) and Childcare (Exemption from Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 2020, the Secretary of State for Education grants exemption from the following sections of the 2017 Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework:

a) The educational programmes under EYFS paragraph 1.5; and

b) The early learning goals set out on pages 10 to 12 of the EYFS; and

c) The requirements set out in paragraph 2.6 to 2.11 of the EYFS relating to Assessments and moderation at the end of the reception year – the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile – which requires settings to complete the Profile and submit the same to the local authority.

Rivington will instead follow in full the EYFS reforms early adopter framework (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-adopter-schools-eyfs-framework).

Early Years education focuses on seven areas of learning.

The prime areas of learning are…
CL         communication and language
PD         physical development
PSED    personal social and emotional development

The specific areas of learning are…
L        literacy
M       mathematics
EAD   expressive arts and design
UW    understanding the world


Useful Downloadable Documents

Learning To Read workshop
British Values at Rivington


Rivington and Nursery Long Term Plan – 2 year rolling programme

Useful Links

Forest Schools
What to expect, when? A parent’s guide
Early Years (Under 5’s) Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS)
Update from the Governors

Whats been happening…

To see what’s new please click the gallery button below to view our latest pictures.