Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum – Intent

Our Mission Statement upholds and sustains our hopes for an ambitious and broad curriculum for all our pupils:


‘Creating a strong and safe school centred on and invested in Excellent Teachers who lead and deliver life transforming learning for all.’


At Rivington Foundation Primary School we are committed to providing an inspirational and inclusive learning environment. Through our curriculum we will foster a love of learning alongside a culture of high aspiration and achievement. By providing equality in opportunity we will equip our pupils with the values, knowledge and skills to support them to enjoy an exciting and successful future.

Our personal knowledge of all our pupils allows us to personalise learning experiences and support our pupils to aim high.

Our vision of ‘Growing Together: Living Life to its Fullest; Making a Difference Along the Way’ drives our curriculum – supporting our pupils to make informed decisions, have opportunities to demonstrate compassion, friendship, determination and courage through their work and actions.

We know the value being able to ‘Wear our PIN with Pride.’  P.I.N.: Pride, Intrepidness, No Limits.  These school values will be demonstrated by students within each lesson.  Pride – ‘Team Rivi’ values excellence in all that we do. We think and act as our own best selves.

Intrepidness – ‘Team Rivi’ does not give up. We look back in history to prepare ourselves for the future.  No Limit: ‘Team Rivi’ focuses on progress and we do whatever it takes to achieve our goals. We push ourselves beyond what we think is possible.

At Rivington Foundation Primary School Primary we develop children’s character through our behaviour curriculum. In order to build character, we define the behaviours and habits that we expect students to demonstrate. We want to support our pupils to grow into adults who are polite, respectful, and grateful – and who always consider others. We believe that as pupils practise these behaviours, over time they become automatic routines that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them.


There are three behaviour expectations in school. These are to

  • Be Respectful

  • Be Responsible

  • Be Safe

Quality of Education

Our curriculum is ambitious, we have high expectations for all our learners. Our core and wider curriculum deliberately provides opportunities to develop knowledge and vocabulary as these are the building blocks for a host of skills children will need in their life in and beyond school.

Our curriculum is knowledge rich, is well-planned and designed to provide many opportunities to revisit and activate prior learning; it aims to connect learning and develop knowledge over time – allowing our pupils to commit learning to their long term memory.

The school’s vision of ‘Living Life to its Fullest; Making a Difference along the Way’ and our values of Pride, Intrepidness and No Limit underpin and support teaching in every lesson.


Key features:

  • Curriculum design encourages ambition and curiosity;

  • High expectations and aspirations for all pupils;

  • Good teaching and subject knowledge that inspires a love of learning;

  • Reading and vocabulary have a high profile;

  • Pupils should know more and remember more.

Curriculum Aspirations:

  • Pupils aim high and have inner drive to be successful;

  • Pupils understand that challenges can lead to growth;

  • Pupils have confidence in themselves to be the best they can be;

  • Pupils are proud of what they achieve and their achievements are celebrated;

  • Pupils develop positive relationships that support them to flourish.

Our curriculum, including the wider curriculum, aims to prepare our pupils for the ever changing modern world.


We will:

    • Nurture academic success, creativity and imagination

    • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that allows pupils to explore a range of subjects that will expand their experience

    • Provide a curriculum which prioritises reading; acknowledging the importance it plays in learning

    • Develop a sense of community through our links with local residents, groups, Rivington Church, Chapel and Rivington Heritage Society.

    • Encourage children to ask questions, challenge views and demonstrate an understanding of the school’s vision to ‘walk in the shoes of others’

    • Secure the highest of standards for all our pupils



To deliver these goals we are purposeful and strategic in our implementation of the whole school curriculum.  Our rigorous self-evaluation informs school development priorities and CPD to ensure we are effective as a whole staff team in meeting these aims and continuously develop our subject knowledge.

We have created curriculum overviews which ensure coherence and progression in both knowledge and skill development across all year groups in every subject.  Our timetable is carefully structured to include blocked areas of study.  Immersion in a subject allows for expertise and depth of understanding.  It allows us to foster children’s curiosity and interest, give them the chance to write with real purpose, make links and retain knowledge.  It allows for an efficient use of resources and greater cooperation between staff.

Each area of study is well organised and coherent, allowing implementation of teaching through the use of Knowledge Organisers, Vital Vocabulary banks, Knowledge Strips and quizzes.  The acquisition of knowledge is underpinned by the implementation of a variety of teaching methods intended to help children retain and recall their learning.

We use a range of assessments, including low stakes quizzes at the beginning and end of a study unit, ensuring that they support teaching and learning and promote progress for all children.  Assessment processes reflect subject specific need and are viewed as a valued tool used positively by staff.

The development of our learning environment reflects our values and vision.  We balance displays and opportunities to celebrate children’s achievements and work with working walls which support the learning journey for all children in all classrooms.




We use the Rivington Assessment model, clearly defined year group outcomes and end of unit requirements, Pupil Book Study alongside summative testing to develop a comprehensive understanding of the impact the education we provide at Rivington.  National statutory assessments are a benchmark for the success of our provision.

Rivington Curriculum Assessment Model 23

Progression in Reading Competences

CUSP NC Writing Curriculum Tracker

Key indicators for writing assessment updates

Example Y3 Spelling Autumn Question Level Analysis