
Statement of intent:

Learning Mathematics creates opportunities for and enriches the lives of our pupils. We aim to deliver a high quality mathematics curriculum which provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, and a sense of excitement and curiosity about mathematics. We aim to equip our children with the conceptual understanding, skills and procedures that they need to solve problems in their everyday lives and in the future with confidence.


Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

(National Curriculum 2014)

 The aims of the 2014 National Curriculum are for our pupils to:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and frequent practice with complexity increasing over time.

  • Develop conceptual understanding and ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.

  • Reason mathematically; follow a line of enquiry, conjecture relationships and generalisations.

  • Develop an argument, justification and proof by using mathematical language.

  • Problem solve by applying knowledge to a variety of routine and non-routine problems. Breaking down problems into simpler steps and persevering in answering.

The National Curriculum sets out year-by-year programmes of study for key stages 1 and 2. This ensures continuity and progression in the teaching of mathematics.

The EYFS Statutory Framework 2014 sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old and supports an integrated approach to early learning. This is supported by the ‘Development matters’ non statutory guidance. The EYFS Framework in relation to mathematics aims for our pupils to:

  • develop and improve their skills in counting

  • understand and use numbers

  • calculate simple addition and subtraction problems

  • describe shapes, spaces, and measures


In September 2018, Rivington Foundation Primary School began transitioning towards a mastery approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics. We understand that this will be a gradual process and take several years to embed. The rationale behind changing our approach to teaching mathematics lay within the research of the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and our involvement in the “Teaching for Mastery” Work group led by the North North West Maths Hub in addition to the 2014 National Curriculum which states:

“The expectation is that most pupils will move through the programme of study at broadly the same pace. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on.”

We have chosen to use the White Rose Maths scheme to support our mastery approach. This includes interactive resources, practise books and teacher guides for Reception to Year 6.

White Rose Maths - Happy Learning

To develop mastery in maths children need to be enabled to acquire a deep understanding of maths concepts, structures and procedures, step by step. With White Rose Maths, complex mathematical concepts are built on simpler conceptual components and when children understand every step in the learning sequence, maths becomes transparent and makes logical sense. Interactive lessons establish deep understanding in small steps, as well as effortless fluency in key facts such as tables and number bonds. White Rose Maths builds every concept in small, progressive steps. The whole class (with the exception of some children with SEN) works on the same content and the aim is that no child is left behind.

Our teaching for mastery is underpinned by the NCETM’s five big ideas:

  • Mathematical Thinking: For taught ideas to be understood deeply, they must not just be passively received but must be worked on, thought about, reasoned with and discussed with others. Opportunities for mathematical thinking allow the children to make chains of reasoning connected to the other areas of their mathematics.

  • Representation and Structure: Concepts are explored using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations. Representations used in lessons expose the mathematical structure being taught.

  • Coherence: Lessons are broken down into small connected steps that gradually unfold the concept, providing access for all children and leading to a generalisation of the concept and the ability to apply the concept to a range of contexts. This is achieved through the planning of small connected steps to link every question and lesson within a topic.

  • Variation: Variation is about how the teacher represents the concept being taught, often in more than one way, to draw attention to critical aspects, and to develop deep and holistic understanding. It is also about the sequencing of the exercises used within a lesson and follow up practice, paying attention to what is kept the same and what changes, to connect the mathematics and draw attention to mathematical relationships and structure. Teachers use both procedural and conceptual variation within their lessons.

  • Fluency: There is an emphasis on fluency with a focus on number and times table facts. Quick and efficient recall of facts and procedures and the flexibility to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics.

Teaching Principles:

Teachers believe in the importance of mathematics and that the vast majority of children can succeed in learning mathematics in line with national expectations. The whole class is taught mathematics together without accelerating children to new concepts. We do not group children by ability. The learning needs are addressed through careful scaffolding, questioning and appropriate intervention where necessary to provide support and challenge. The reasoning behind the mathematics is emphasised. Teacher/pupil interaction explores how answers were obtained as well as why the method worked and what might be the most efficient strategy. Precise mathematical language is used by teachers so that mathematical ideas are conveyed with clarity and precision. We value ‘mathematical talk’ and children are encouraged to talk about and evaluate their mathematics during lessons. Conceptual variation and procedural variation are used extensively throughout teaching. This helps to present the mathematics in ways that promote deep, sustainable learning. For example, teachers may collect several solutions for a problem before guiding the class to the most efficient method. Sufficient time is spent on key concepts to ensure learning is well developed and deeply embedded before moving on.

 Teachers planning and organisation:

Long term planning: The National Curriculum for Mathematics, Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals (Number and Numerical Patterns,) provide the long term planning for mathematics taught in the school.

Medium term planning:

Years R-6 use White Rose Maths as their medium term planning documents.  These schemes provide teachers with exemplification for maths objectives and are broken down into fluency, reasoning and problem solving, key aims of the National Curriculum. They support a mastery approach to teaching and learning and have number at their heart. They ensure teachers stay in the required key stage and support the ideal of depth before breadth. They support pupils working together as a whole group and provide plenty of time to build reasoning and problem solving elements into the curriculum. YR, Y1 and Y2 also follow the NCTEM Mastering Number initiative as an additional standalone programme.

Short term planning:

The above schemes of learning support daily lesson planning. Lessons are planned using a common planning format and are monitored at intervals by the mathematics subject leader.  EYFS planning is based on the medium term plans and delivered as appropriate to individual children with thought to where the children are now and what steps they need to take next. Resources from the ‘Mastering the Curriculum’ are also used alongside White Rose Maths as appropriate.

All classes Year R-6 have a daily mathematics lesson where possible. Children in the EYFS have mathematical experiences daily. In key stage one lessons are 45-60 minutes and in key stage two at least 60 minutes. Teachers of the EYFS ensure the children learn through a mixture of adult led activities and child initiated activities both inside and outside of the classroom. Mathematics is taught through an integrated approach.

Lesson Design:

Lessons provide ample time for independent practise whilst the teacher delivers interventions where required. Independent practise includes reasoning, problem solving and higher order thinking activities. Lessons are sharply focussed with one new objective introduced at a time. Difficult points and potential misconceptions are identified in advance and strategies to address them planned. Key questions are planned, to challenge thinking and develop learning for all pupils. High quality materials (including WRM work books) are used to support learning and provide access to the mathematics. There is a regular interchange between concrete/contextual ideas and their abstract representation. Making comparisons is an important form of developing deep knowledge. The questions ‘What is the same?’ and ‘What is different?’ are often used to draw attention to essential features of concepts. Teacher led discussion is interspersed with short tasks involving pupil to pupil discussion and completion of short activities. Formative assessment is carried out throughout the lesson, the teacher regularly checks pupils knowledge and understanding and adjusts the lesson accordingly. The school has also purchased “Times Tables Rock Stars” which is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times table practice. In the EYFS maths is planned in accordance with the EYFS Statutory Framework. We follow the White Rose mathematics guidance to plan practical, relevant and appropriately challenging lessons which ultimately prepare the children for achieving the mathematics Early Learning Goals and beyond. We are committed to ensuring the confident development of number sense and put emphasis on mastery of key early concepts.


Teachers integrate the use of formative assessment strategies such as effective questioning, clear learning objectives, the use of success criteria and effective feedback and response in their teaching. Summative Assessment consists of end of block assessments and termly KLIPS (Key Learning Indicators of Performance) assessments. The school’s progress tracking system is updated termly. National Curriculum tests are used at the end of KS1 and 2; teachers use past and sample papers to inform their assessments as they prepare pupils for these assessments. All assessments and teaching informs teachers understanding of a child’s ability in maths and this is recorded. The school’s Assessment and Marking Policies inform high quality feedback and pupils’ response to it in Mathematics.

Special educational needs & disabilities (SEND) 

Daily mathematics lessons are inclusive to pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Where required, children’s ILP’s incorporate suitable objectives from the National Curriculum for Mathematics or development Matters and teachers keep these in mind when planning work. These targets may be worked upon within the lesson as well as on a 1:1 basis outside the mathematics lesson. Maths focused intervention in school helps children with gaps in their learning and mathematical understanding. These are delivered by trained support staff and overseen by the SENCO and/or the class teacher. Within the daily mathematics lesson teachers have a responsibility to not only provide differentiated activities to support children with SEND but also activities that provide sufficient challenge for children who are high achievers. It is the teachers’ responsibility to ensure that all children are challenged at a level appropriate to their ability.

Equal Opportunities

Positive attitudes towards mathematics are encouraged, so that all children, regardless of race, gender, ability or special needs, including those for whom English is a second language, develop an enjoyment and confidence with mathematics. This policy is in line with the school’s ‘Racial Equality’ policy. The aim is to ensure that everyone makes progress and gains positively from lessons and to plan inclusive lessons. Lessons involving lots of visual, aural and kinaesthetic elements will benefit all children including those for whom English is an additional language (EAL).

Differentiated questions are used in lessons to help children and planned support from Teaching Assistants and other adults.


Every class has a bank of essential mathematics resources that are age appropriate. Further resources can be found in the Year 5/6 classroom.

Role of parents:

We encourage parents to be involved by:

  • Inviting them into school twice a year to discuss he progress of their child.

  • Providing two written reports a year detailing attainment in mathematics.

  • Holding workshops for parents eg. Focussing on the teaching of mathematical calculations.

  • Showing an interest in their child’s homework and encouraging their child to complete it. Where appropriate teachers set homework for pupils in order to consolidate work taught in a lesson or in preparation for a future lesson. Not all homework is written work and pupils are encouraged to continually practise their mental/oral skills, in particular, learning times tables.


Role of the Subject Leader:

  • Ensures teachers understand the requirements of the National Curriculum and helps them to plan lessons.
  • Leads by example by setting high standards in their own teaching.
  • Prepares, organises and leads CPD and joint professional development.
  • Works with the SENDCO.
  • Observes colleagues from time to time with a view to identifying the support they need.
  • Attends CPD Lancashire County Council, Abacus North West Maths Hub and other providers.
  • Keeps parents informed about Mathematics issues
  • Discusses regularly with the Headteacher and the mathematics governor the progress of implementing National Curriculum for Mathematics in school
  • Monitors and evaluates mathematics provision in the school by conducting regular work scrutiny, learning walks and assessment data analysis.

Maths Policy 22-23

Calculation Policy – Addition and Subtraction

Calculation Policy – Multiplication and Division